Lakeville, MA
Wed & Fri 1PM to 5PM
Sat 10AM to 2PM
Inventory updated 02-03-2025
Pete's Model Garage
Specialists in collectible die-cast models rare and recent
©2012 Pete's Model Garage Inc.
Look forward to Spring!
Springfield MA Amherst Railway Show
at the Big E
We have Vendor space in the Young Building Section 80.
June 17 Saturday Model Display Show at Pete's
Merry Christmas!
October Special
20% Discount on ALL TV & Movie Models.
Sat n Sun August 4 & 5
NE Rockbusters Dig & Display Show
Concord Sand and Gravel Pembroke NH
June 9 Saturday Model Display Show
June 2 Saturday Bus Museum Show Hershey PA
We are a Vendor
March 18 RTS Show Taunton Holiday Inn
We have Vendor Space.
Saturday October 20
10am to 4pm
Customer Appreciation Shop Sale Day
All Models on Sale and Discounted
Christmas Sale Days
December 1 to 22
Huge Discounts on Remaining Inventory
Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays 1pm to 5pm
Saturdays 10am to 1pm
Closed Tuesdays Thursdays and Sundays
Winter Sale:
Discounts & Specials on all in stock
inventory from 100s of Manufacturers that we stock.
Copyright © 2006-2019 PetesModelGarage. All Rights Reserved
5 Precinct Street, Unit #2,
Lakeville, MA 02347
Pete's Model Garage is a leader in assisting the enthusiast with acquiring the rare as well as the latest models for their collection. We are committed to providing our customers with excellent products and service.
We stock the full line of 2012 CORGI collectibles!
2 recent issues of magazines
$14.95 including shipping
Pete's Model Garage offer quality models for the beginner and expert hobbyist. We stock a wide variety of die cast collectibles in a range of scale models renown for their exact reproduction of body styles and shapes.
(model collector and diecast collector)
20% discount off all in stock models
Does not include sale items, preorders, and special orders -Free shipping on orders over $250.
Free Model Drawing Entry for Mail Order and Store Purchases -Shop in air conditioned comfort
Event Details
Discounts on all models, Free Catalogs, Magazines & Refreshments
Mondays, Wednesdays & Friday 1 to 5pm
Saturdays 10am to 1pm
Closed Tuesday, Thursdays and Sundays.
Check Phone Message to Confirm Hours before Traveling
Pete's Model Garage - hidden gem for collectors. Read More
June 3 Saturday Hershey PA Bus Show
We have Vendor Space
March 10 Saturday.....Winter Shop Sale
About Petes Model Garage die cast collectibles
Lakeville, MA
Wed & Fri 1PM to 5PM Sat 10AM to 2PM
Inventory updated 02-03-2025
Pete's Model Garage
in collectible die-cast models rare and recent
Located near Rt. 495 easy access with plenty of parking and friendly folks!
5 Precinct Street, Unit #2, Lakeville, MA 02347
Customer friendly
Quality Models
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Pete's Model Garage has Toys shows where vendors exhibit their latest offerings and people can share their ideas and collections. The dates and times are posted on our website and be sure to sign up for our newsletter to get regular updates, news and special offers.
Ones of our shows
Pete's Model Garage owned and operated by Pete St Yves has been offering quality models for the beginner and expert hobbyist for over 3 decades. Our showroom has a wide inventory of die cast collectibles in a range of scale models renown for their exact reproduction of body styles and shapes.
About Pete's Model Garage
With over 10,000 square feet of display room, you have a unique opportunity to browse and experience a wide variety of collectibles. Pete has a long time reputation with his clients of assisting them in finding the right selection from racecars to road cars, motor cycles to airplanes.
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Our gallery of die cast models collectibles
Lakeville, MA
Wed & Fri 1PM to 5PM Sat 10AM to 2PM
Inventory updated 02-03-2025
Pete's Model Garage
Specialists in
collectible die-cast models rare and recent
SEPTA Philadelphia PA Birney Safety Car
Nutmeg 1/25 scale
CORGI Collection
Dirt Modifields Vintage Modifeeds
USAF Sabre F86F Sheperds Grove
CS90461 Scimitar Tank UN CS90463 BAE Hawk/Welsh Dragons
TV Themes
CORGI CC04307 James Bond Aston Martin DB5 Gold Plated CC00201 Starsky and Hutch Ford Torino
Mitsubishi Zero Sugita
US Army M48 Tank/Pat
Lyon Cycles Peugeot D3A Van
EFE 31301
Shillibeer Omnibus B20 DM Fleetline
Kenworth W925 and Low Loader with Boat Load
Pollock Curtainside Trailer
Morristown NJ Fire Ahrens Fox Piston Pumper
Ford Sierra Saphire Red
Vanguard VA 100000
Mercedes Benz Actros Fridge Trailer
Brighton & Hove Dennis dart
CORGI Trackside
Evening news Bedford CA Van DG175013 Price Loggdug Scammell with Logs
click image to enlarge
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Hidden Gem Petes Garage
Lakeville, MA
Wed & Fri 1PM to 5PM Sat 10AM to 2PM
Inventory updated 02-03-2025
Pete's Model Garage
Specialists in collectible die-cast
models rare and recent
Posted Mar 23, 2017 By Tom Mason/Contributing Writer Middleboro Gazette
Pete's Model Garage - a hidden gem for collectors
LAKEVILLE — Lakeville may be a small community, but it offers plenty of surprises. Here's an example.
Right across the street from Lakeville's Ted Williams Camp recreational complex at 5 Precinct Street, hidden away on an office building next to Lakeville Family Medicine, there's a massive garage that houses more than 10,000 rare and unique cars, trucks, and equipment. Every kind of vehicle is sold. But not the kind of cars you can take for a drive.On the shelves of Pete's Model Garage, Pete St. Yves sells model diecast cars, miniature versions of the real thing. St. Yves, whose family sold their longtime Nissan dealership on Myricks Street about ten years ago, is keeping up the family tradition of selling top quality vehicles at great prices while providing excellent personalized service.
"I've been selling models over 35 years more as hobby," said St. Yves. "I kept my matchboxes and took care of them. I'd purchase collections, get doubles, and sell them. My first show was at the Knights of Columbus. I turned the hobby into a business by selling duplicates." St. Yves got his start in the business at a young age when his father and uncle were in the car business. Since the family-run dealership closed, St. Yves' miniature car business has taken off. "I remember getting my matchboxes every week if I was a good boy," said St.Yves. "Kelloggs, for instance, used to get kids into collecting by offering deals when parents bought cereal. I had a couple of aunts with no children who would collect box tops so I could get the cars." The question St. Yves must answer every day isn't what he sells, but what doesn't he sell. Remember Matchbox cars that used to be sold at supermarkets and toy stores? St. Yves sells multiple Matchboxes. Remember cool Corgis models of James Bond's famous Aston Martin? St. Yves stocks a full line of the classics. "Corgi is now owned by Hornby Trains," said St. Yves. "Remember Thunderbirds? That show with marionettes? They did a tribute for them and about sixty other movies. They always seemed to have a relation with James Bond." According to St. Yves, collecting model cars isn't just for kids. Each model car connoisseur seems to have his or her own specialty. More Video: County Street in New Bedford between Hillman and North streets is shutdown to traffic Thursday as workers replace the gas main. The work is expected to last about two months. "Some are interested in buses, some in military, some in fire, and some are interested in different time periods or eras. There are a lot of niches. A lot of collectors like to cars in the 30s to the 50s because the cars weren't cookie cutters. People want exact replicas. Companies go to great lengths with quality control. The packaging now is much better. You don't have model cars banging around in boxes like in the old days of Matchbox. It's more niche and more people. More things are available now. It used to take ten months to get a new model designed and on the market. Now it just takes three months." One thing that's changed over the years is that nothing seems to be made in the United States anymore. "I think we'll see a change with China. Maybe other countries will get in the business," he said. "It would be nice if more stuff would be U.S. made. We have to develop the capability like they do to do the detailing. The Chinese manufacturers seem have the ability to make small parts needed. There's no one in the U.S. who seems to be ready to make the investment in the machinery." In these days of hi-tech and the internet, collecting diecast models is also beginning to trend young. "Collecting model construction equipment is getting popular. Lots of younger collectors in their 20s are operating machinery like this and they have the interest. Bulldozers and excavators and the like. Caterpillar even produces its own miniature equipment which is collectible," said St. Yves. A unique aspect of St. Yves' business is his knowledge of the car business and ability to judge the craftsmanship of diecast models. Old fashioned values, like paying attention to detail and providing great customer service, never grow old. "Our customers like well-crafted and unique products", said St. Yves. "We have a 'find service.' People call me on the phone to find a certain product and I look for it. A lot of the big outfits can do this but don't. I'll notice the models and know something about the cars. We try to take care of people, like my dad and uncle did when they were in the car business." St. Yves doesn't stock every kind of model at his garage. Hot Wheels and model trains, for example, appeal to a different clientele. "I have two young grandsons and they love anything with wheels. We just do diecast and do it right. We have a toy show in Dedham coming up within the next couple of weeks - and my own show on April 23rd here. We have 50 venders with a great variety - even someone with Hot Wheels," said St. Yves.
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Contact Petes Model 508-947-5141 Lakeville MA
Lakeville, MA
Wed & Fri 1PM to 5PM Sat 10AM to 2PM
Inventory updated 02-03-2025
Pete's Model Garage
Specialists i
n collectible die-cast models rare and recent
©2013 Pete's Model Garage Inc.
1/43 Indy 500 Winners
3D to Scale 1:50 Accessories
Abrex 1/43 Cars
Altaya Partworks Vehicles
American Excellence 1/43
American Heritage Models 1/43
Athearn 1/87 Cars & Trucks
Automodelo 1/43 & 1/24 Cars
Bachmann 1/87 Trains & Accessories
Bizarre 1/43 Cars
Brumm 1/43 Cars
BUB 1/87 Cars & Trucks
Cararama 1/72 & 1/43 Cars
Classic Metal Works 1/87 Cars & Trucks
CMC 1/18 Cars
Code 3 1:64 Fire Trucks
Conrad 1/50 Construction
DCP 1/64 Trucks
Del Prado Cars & Fire Trucks
Eaglemoss 1:43 Military & Batman
EFE UK 1/76 Buses
Eligor 1/43 Cars & Trucks
Ertl Cars & Trucks
Esval 1:43 Cars
First Response 1/43 Police & Fire
Fujimi 1:43 Cars
Greenlight 1/64 & 1/18 Cars
Hobby Master Airplanes
Holland Otto 1/87 Buses
Hornby 1/76 Trains & Accessories
Hotwheels TV Movie & Ferrari Cars
Hotwings Civil Airplanes
Kess 1:43 Cars
Kyosho 1/43 & 1/18 Cars
Matrix 1:43 Car
Mattel TV Movie & Ferrari Cars
Model Power 1/87 Cars
MTH 1/43 Trains & Accessories
NEO 1/43 Cars
Norev 1/43 Cars & Trucks
Norscot Construction
Northeast Race cars
NZG 1/50 Construction
Premium Classixx 1/43 Cars & Trucks
Railroad 1/43 Railroad Cars & Trucks
Reve 1/43 Race Cars
Rio 1/43 Cars
Schuco 1/87, 1/43 & 1/18 Cars & Trucks
Signature 1/32 & 1/50 Cars & Fire Trucks
Siku 1/87 & 1/50 Cars & Trucks
Solido 1/43 Cars
Spec Cast 1/64 & 1/50 Trucks & Construction
Starline 1/43 Cars
Sunstar 1/24 & 1/18 Cars & Buses
Tonkin 1:50 Caterpillar 1:87 & 1/64 & 1/53 Trucks
U/Hobbies 1:43 Tractors & Construction Wiking - 1:87 Vehicles
Vitesse 1/43 Cars
Walthers 1/87 Trains & Accessories
Whitebox 1:43 scale cars
Woodland Scenics Train Accessories
Yatming 1/43 & 1/50 Cars & Fire Trucks
EFE 31301
Over 5000 Models in stock:
Use buttons above or links to the left to find specific manufaturers or models
Pete's Model Garage Inventory
Corgi Classics
Corgi Showcase
Corgi USA
Corgi 50th Anniversary
Corgi Aviation Series
Corgi Warbirds
Corgi French Heritage
Corgi History Channel
Corgi 1/76 Buses 1
Corgi 1/76 Buses 2
Corgi Toy Series
Corgi Vanguards 1/43
Older Corgi Pre 2000
Corgi Tinplate
Corgi 1/43 Sets
Corgi Lledo Days gone 1/76
True Scale
First Gear
Whiterose Sports Vehicles
Whiterose Sports Vehicles and Police Cars']);return false;">Whiterose Sports Vehicles and Police Cars
Model & Car Books
Display Cases
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Pete's Model Garage die cast models collectibles
Lakeville, MA
Wed & Fri 1PM to 5PM Sat 10AM to 2PM
Inventory updated 02-03-2025
Pete's Model Garage
s in collectible die-cast models rare and recent
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©2012 Pete's Model Garage Inc.
Look forward to Spring!
Springfield MA Amherst Railway Show at the Big E We have Vendor space in the Young Building Section 80.
June 17 Saturday Model Display Show at Pete's
Merry Christmas!
October Special 20% Discount on ALL TV & Movie Models.
Sat n Sun August 4 & 5 NE Rockbusters Dig & Display Show Concord Sand and Gravel Pembroke NH
June 9 Saturday Model Display Show
June 2 Saturday Bus Museum Show Hershey PA We are a Vendor
March 18 RTS Show Taunton Holiday Inn
We have Vendor Space.
Saturday October 20 10am to 4pm Customer Appreciation Shop Sale Day All Models on Sale and Discounted
Christmas Sale Days December 1 to 22 Huge Discounts on Remaining Inventory Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays 1pm to 5pm Saturdays 10am to 1pm Closed Tuesdays Thursdays and Sundays
Winter Sale: Discounts & Specials on all in stock inventory from 100s of Manufacturers that we stock.
Copyright © 2006-2019 PetesModelGarage. All Rights Reserved
5 Precinct Street, Unit #2, Lakeville, MA 02347
Authorized Dealer
Pete's Model Garage is a leader in assisting the enthusiast with acquiring the rare as well as the latest models for their collection. We are committed to providing our customers with excellent products and service.
We stock the full line of 2012 CORGI collectibles!
2 recent issues of magazines $14.95 including shipping
Pete's Model Garage offer quality models for the beginner and expert hobbyist. We stock a wide variety of die cast collectibles in a range of scale models renown for their exact reproduction of body styles and shapes.
(model collector and diecast collector)
20% discount off all in stock models Does not include sale items, preorders, and special orders -Free shipping on orders over $250. Free Model Drawing Entry for Mail Order and Store Purchases -Shop in air conditioned comfort
Event Details
Discounts on all models, Free Catalogs, Magazines & Refreshments
Mondays, Wednesdays & Friday 1 to 5pm Saturdays 10am to 1pm Closed Tuesday, Thursdays and Sundays. Check Phone Message to Confirm Hours before Traveling
Pete's Model Garage - hidden gem for collectors. Read More
June 3 Saturday Hershey PA Bus Show We have Vendor Space
March 10 Saturday.....Winter Shop Sale
More info about
order models from Pete
Lakeville, MA
Wed & Fri 1PM to 5PM Sat 10AM to 2PM
Inventory updated 02-03-2025
Pete's Model Garage
Specialists in collectible die-cast
models rare and recent
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©2012 Pete's Model Garage Inc.
Ordering Information
You can pay by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Personal Check or Money Order. Your credit/debit card will be debited when your order enters the shipping process for dispatch. UPS is our standard delivery mode with a charge of MAX $15.00 for a standard size order in the United States. World wide shipping (all shipments insured) available at cost. If other delivery arrangements are desired, please contact us either by phone or email
Creative Master UKBUS5101
Mercedes Benz Citard Articulated Demonstrator
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